Nepali Film Maker’s Short Film “Bob” also pulled down from YouTube

Jun 29, 2016
Not only Shirish Kunder “Kriti” but also Anil Neupane’s “Bob” has been pulled down from youtube because of copyright claim by Abhayananda Singh. On Tuesday, Sirish’s Kriti was removed from youtube due to copyright claim by Anil Neupane who is director of Nepali Short Film “Bob”. He accused of Kunder copying frame by frame story of Bob Short Film.

On Wednesday midnight, Neupane’s Bob has been also removed from youtube as Abhayanand Singh claimed plagiarism copyright. Now, there seems third man who is claiming that the story of both short film “Kriti” and “Bob” belongs to him.

Kriti and Bob Short Film Removed From Youtube
Kriti and Bob Both Pulled Down

Now both movies have no longer available in YouTube because of the conflict between Kriti short film director Shirish Kunder and Bob director Anil Neupane.

Why YouTube pulled down both short films ? Is there any other film which story same as “Bob” and “kriti” ?

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